How to Make Your Job Application Stand Out Post-Covid

Tyler Buntrock
1 min readJun 3, 2021


With the job market finally making a comeback, now is the time to make your application stand out to potential employers. Showcase how you’ve developed during this time — it will really make your resume stand out and show your determination through this difficult time.

Tyler Buntrock Job Application Tips post Covid19
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You can also include links to any digital media you’ve created or developed. Have you had any writing published online? Link it! Started a podcast? Share it! These are the unique accomplishments recruiters want to see to understand you better and how you work during difficult times.

As a professional recruiter and leadership coach, Tyler Buntrock suggests that you create your own professional website to “own your name.” This allows you to publish your own writing, creative projects, and more as a type of digital portfolio for employers to explore. Include any online courses you’ve taken up during this time, and discuss ways you’ve turned your passions into potential small businesses. Companies will be fond of your entrepreneurial spirit!



Tyler Buntrock

Tyler Buntrock is a Professional Recruiter, Mentor, Athlete, and Fitness Trainer with a passion for motivating others to succeed.